How to Become DANGEROUS and Powerful in Society?

How to become dangerous and powerful in society?
To gain wealth, power, or even a lasting relationship, you must be dangerous and powerful. Despite living in a modern world, we are ANCIENT CREATURES. Here are the things the powerful don't want you to know.

Politicians and the powerful want you to be a SHEEP, not a WOLF. They need sheep to advance their GOALS and build a society. My message to you is unusual. It’s about 13 tips that are UNUSUAL and sometimes TABOO in society.

To gain wealth, power, or even a lasting relationship, you must be dangerous and powerful.

To gain wealth, power, or even a lasting relationship, you must be dangerous and powerful. Despite living in a modern world, we are ANCIENT CREATURES. Here are the things the powerful don’t want you to know.

How to be DANGEROUS and powerful in this world? With a lifetime of energy psychology and mind cultivation around the world, I found these 13 tips to be the most crucial.

If you want power and respect, you need the ability to be cruel. You must be dangerous. In spite of a rich civilization that values man in his inner self, we are creatures with ancient brains. Cavemen’s brains are not much different from ours. We haven’t evolved enough. Therefore, to gain respect in society, become wealthy, attractive, and successful in relationships, or even raise good children, it is important to be alpha and dangerous. You need to grow sharp claws and teeth, even if you never intend to use them.

Here are my exclusive 13 tips.

Welcome to AluxMind, this is Ali Arabi.

How to become powerful in society?

In silence, you can absorb the universe's power.

Number 1: Keep silence

Always speak less than you think you should. Silence makes you mysterious. No one will attack you if they don’t know what to attack and what happens if they do. The more you talk, the more common and transparent you become. Keep it dark, as what appears dark looks dangerous. You don’t want to ruin the dark side. Keep your speech as concise as possible. Never say a word that’s not necessary.

In silence, you achieve a strong connection with the universe. In silence, you can absorb the universe’s power.

The voice in your head should also be silenced. ‌Have inner peace and be silent.

Number 2: Count to 10

When you are emotionally charged, always count to 10 before you act. High emotions make you weak. In times of rage, you make the worst decisions and behave the worst. When anger turns into rage, it is out of control and will burn you before anyone else. When insulted, do not react until you count to 10. You won’t find it easy but try your best.

Even if you intend to use your anger, still count to 10 before reacting. Take a moment to count. Having high emotional intelligence is correlated with power, so commit to counting when you are not yourself.
Keeping calm in the face of chaos makes you look dangerous. Your EQ determines your strength.

How to look tough as a woman?

Keeping calm in the face of chaos makes you look dangerous. Your EQ determines your strength.

Number 3: Work out every day. Martial arts is the best.

We are ancient creatures living in a modern world. Size matters. Shape matters. Keep your body in shape. Power is also closely linked to muscles. Exercise makes you more confident. Practicing martial arts releases the lion within you. Learn how to fight. Become prepared to fight in order to avoid physical battles with others and inner battles with yourself.

Number 4: Don’t move fast

Since childhood, we have used rapid muscle movements to release tension and stress. High levels of stress are often associated with fast-paced activities. And we all know this subconsciously. Those with real power are calm and relaxed and operate with inner peace even in times of tension. By doing so, everyone will realize your true power.

Fast talk is not always indicative of weakness, but speak calmly to display power, no matter how energetic you are.

Number 5: Don’t talk fast

Fast talk is not always indicative of weakness, but speak calmly to display power, no matter how energetic you are. By constantly thinking about how to convey your message in the fewest words possible, your energy will be controlled. By talking less, you will appear in control.

Number 6: Make powerful eye contact

Having strong eye contact shows confidence. Be confident in your body language and don’t be afraid to stare at someone for quite a while.

How to be feared and respected?

A person with powerful friends is hard to hurt. Take part in the game of the powerful.

Number 7: Don’t watch porn, don’t masturbate

Masturbation and porn kill men. Its addiction destroys by lowering core energy and giving instant gratification. Don’t waste your libido. Using sexual transmutation will help you utilize this energy. Sexual energy comes from the sacral chakra and has ultimate power. This is the power that creates life. Get the most from it. Have tantric sex. But don’t waste too much.

Masturbation and porn can lead to a decrease in libido, which can be detrimental to a man’s mental and physical health. When sexual energy is transmuted, it is redirected from the sacral chakra up to the higher chakras, like the crown chakra. This helps to increase focus, creativity, and productivity and can be used to fuel spiritual growth. Providing you with the best spiritual development and power.

Therefore, utilizing the power of sexual transmutation will increase your libido and vitality, and help you to realize the full potential of your sexual energy.

Tantric sex can also be beneficial as it helps to regulate the flow of sexual energy, harnessing it for its creative power.

How to be the most powerful person?

During tantric sex, couples can practice different breathing techniques to redirect sexual energy through their bodies, helping them to reach higher states of consciousness.
Never watch porn. For a man, there is no bigger sin.

Be their friend. The lone wolf is a myth. A lone wolf is torn apart by a pack of hyenas.

Number 8: Meditate every day
All of the previous ones require meditation. Unplugging yourself will prevent you from burning out and losing control. To gain power and respect, you must meditate for at least 20 minutes a day. You can do it by using the mind tools I provide in this channel. Power comes from a clear mind.

Number 9: Have powerful friends
This is certainly enough to make you dangerous. A person with powerful friends is hard to hurt. Take part in the game of the powerful. Take the time to identify their needs, and make a difference for them without expecting anything in return. Be their friend. The lone wolf is a myth. A lone wolf is torn apart by a pack of hyenas.

Don't run away or kill the enemy, learn to live with it. Get close to your enemy. Learn from your enemy and love your enemy.

Number 10: Have powerful enemies
You become strong when you have a strong enemy. Don’t run away or kill the enemy, learn to live with it. Get close to your enemy. Learn from your enemy and love your enemy.
Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. You can anticipate their moves when you know their plans. Your enemies can be your allies. Dangerous people always have strong enemies.

Number 11: Get out
The zone where you feel calm makes you more vulnerable to danger, not stronger. If you stay in that zone, you will be forced to flee permanently. Get out into nature. Enter unknown groups. Grow your group and practice these 13 tips outside your comfort zone every day. Let the sun burn your skin. Always challenge yourself. This way you can challenge others.

Anger is a basic emotion and should be expressed. If anger is buried, it turns into rage, which is out of control.

Number 12: Keep the fire burning
Anger is a basic emotion and should be expressed. If anger is buried, it turns into rage, which is out of control. You should live somewhere in the middle of anger and peace. Don’t bury this feeling so you can control it. There should be a fire inside you. The only way to keep a controllable fire inside of you is to always keep it burning.

And finally,
Number 13: Believe in something powerful
You have to believe in something. Belief concentrates all your energy in one particular direction. The most powerful and dangerous people in history have always had a strong belief in something big. Either God, or a great cause.

What belief motivates you the most?

There should be a fire inside you. The only way to keep a controllable fire inside of you is to always keep it burning.

Over the course of my lifetime experience, these have proven to be the most important tips for power.
But are there any others you would like to share with us? Comment below and let me know.

Here you can find more.

Is there a personal story you have about the importance of being dangerous?

The ability to be dangerous requires no harm to others. You need sharp claws and teeth, even if you never intend to use them. Because being prepared for a battle is the only way to avoid it. The outer battle with your enemy and the inner battle with yourself. That’s the true key to power.

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I wish you ALUXMIND

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Wealth comes from a sense of worth.

How do they sell blank frames for thousands of dollars?

Luxury Mind Programming - Volume 1: Luxury Personal Brand

2 Responses

  1. Master Ali Arabi, you are very great. Through your existence, God can brighten, beautify, and magnify the world. By having such a person in our lives, we will know and praise God more. Long live Master Ali Arabi.

    As far as I can remember, you are the first person who has been so influential in my life and who I love so much. It would be a pleasure to meet you and talk with you in person.

    Thank you very much

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